CLK Learning, 14, Avenue de l’Opera – 75001 Paris

Reflex’English Level 2 – Speak & Revise

Objectifs Pédagogiques

Reflex’English Level 2 Speak & Revise est une ressource digitale qui s’adresse aux apprenants ayant déjà suivi le module Reflex’English Level 2 et qui souhaitent réviser les points de grammaire et de vocabulaire rencontrés.
Le format proposé, fiches synthétiques de révision, favorise un encrage mémoriel efficace.
Reflex’English Level 2 Speak & Revise offre une fonction d’enregistrement et de reconnaissance vocale pour que chaque apprenant puisse travailler, mesurer et améliorer sa prononciation.

Compétences Linguistiques

Compétences langagières – comprendre et s’exprimer en anglais
La formation est organisée autour de différents thèmes et couvre les compétences langagières : grammaire, vocabulaire, expression et compréhension orale.
Compréhension écrite
Le rappel de points de grammaire et de vocabulaire étudiés dans Reflex’English Level 2.
Compréhension orale – Écoute audio / Enregistrements audio / Reconnaissance vocale
• De nombreux exemples audio permettent de mémoriser la bonne prononciation.
• La fonction d’enregistrement permet de tester et comparer sa prononciation.
• La fonction de reconnaissance vocale permet de mesurer la justesse de sa prononciation.

Détail Formation

Public concerné Méthode pédagogique Pré-requis techniques Temps moyen de formation
  • Cette formation s’adresse aux personnes ayant suivi la formation Reflex’English Level 2 et qui souhaitent revoir les points importants
  • 24 modules
  • plusieurs dizaines de cartes de révision
  • Navigateur web : Edge, Chrome, Firefox, Safari
  • Système d’exploitation : Mac ou PC, smartphone
35 heures

Janice’s interview: Part 1

  • Grammaire :
  • “To be” in the simple present
  • “To have” in the simple present
  • Some prepositions: in, on, at or to?
  • Adverbs of frequency
  • Wh- question words
  • Vocabulaire :
  • Janice’s interview
  • Review of Beginner Level

Janice’s interview: Part 2

  • Grammaire :
  • Some or any
  • Comparative form
  • Superlative form
  • Possessive adjectives
  • Possessive pronouns
  • Prepositions of space
  • Vocabulaire :
  • Janice’s interview
  • Review of Beginner Level

What do you do for a living?

  • Grammaire :
  • Asking and saying one’s job
  • Asking questions in the simple present
  • « To be » and affirmative short answers
  • « To be » and negative short answers
  • Simple present
  • Vocabulaire :
  • Jobs
  • Job-related verbs

Job talk

  • Grammaire :
  • Simple present: use and construction
  • Simple present questions with wh- question words
  • Closed questions and short answers with « do » or « to be » in the simple present
  • This and that
  • Adjectives: « good » and « bad »
  • Plurals
  • Asking questions with « what »
  • « To know » in the simple present
  • « To do » as a verb
  • Vocabulaire :
  • Job talk
  • In an office
  • Computer equipment
  • Working hours
  • Centres of interest
  • Salary

Test lessons 1 to 4

  • Review and Test of Lessons 1 to 4

What did you do yesterday?

  • Grammaire :
  • The simple past tense
  • « To do » in the simple past
  • « To be » in the simple past
  • Simple past: regular verbs
  • Simple past: irregular verbs
  • Vocabulaire :
  • Phrases with « to have »
  • « To do » vs. « to make »

A short story: Slim Johnson robbed a bank

  • Grammaire :
  • Simple past: some regular verbs
  • Simple past: some irregular verbs
  • Simple past: asking questions
  • Vocabulaire :
  • A short story

What are you doing, Pete?

  • Grammaire :
  • Present participles
  • The present continuous
  • The present continuous: use
  • The present continuous: questions with prepositions
  • The present continuous: particular cases
  • Questions tags
  • Vocabulaire :
  • Sense verbs
  • Around « to think »
  • Questions with why
  • Around « to feel » and « to get »

It used to be different back then

  • Grammaire :
  • Structures with « used to »
  • « Used to » and other tenses
  • Past participles: regular and irregular verbs
  • Present perfect
  • « Such » or « such a »
  • « To be used to, « to be getting used to » »
  • Vocabulaire :
  • Around « the sun »
  • Around « agriculture »
  • Comparing things

Test lessons 6 to 9

  • Review and Test of Lessons 6 to 9

How long ago was that?

  • Grammaire :
  • Since, for and ago
  • Adverbs of place with -where
  • The present perfect simple
  • The past continuous
  • The present perfect continuous
  • That’s/It’s + adjective/noun + infinitive
  • Vocabulaire :
  • Interjections and onomatopoeia
  • At the doctor’s
  • At the chemist’s

What do you enjoy doing?

  • Grammaire :
  • Expressing likes and dislikes
  • Likes and dislikes followed by verbs + -ing
  • Putting nuances in likes and dislikes
  • To look forward to
  • Either / or, neither / nor, not / either
  • « To look » or « to watch »
  • « So do I », « neither do I », « I do », « I don’t »
  • All, every, each
  • Vocabulaire :
  • Spare time
  • Around « spare »
  • In the garden
  • Some hobbies and interests
  • Household chores
  • Fish ‘n’ chips

What are you going to do?

  • Grammaire :
  • Pronouncing the letter « L »
  • Talking about the future
  • The future simple with « will »
  • The near future with « be going to »
  • Ever, never
  • Type 1 conditional: the real future
  • The verb « to explain »
  • Modal verbs
  • Vocabulaire :
  • Cultural activities
  • Legal system

The time

  • Grammaire :
  • The present conditional
  • Type 2 conditional
  • Hypotheses with « what if » + future or conditional
  • Still
  • Expressing wishes and regrets
  • Reflexive pronouns
  • Making suggestions
  • Vocabulaire :
  • What would you do?
  • Talking about fear
  • Quantifiers: talking about parts
  • Around « life »

Test lessons 11 to 14

  • Review and Test of Lessons 11 to 14

I need to make a phone call

  • Grammaire :
  • « To need »: modal and regular verb
  • « Won’t + infinitive » – refusal to work
  • Must or have to?
  • Vocabulaire :
  • The telephone
  • Using the phone
  • Town facilities
  • To pay, to pay for

Dealing with phone conversations

  • Grammaire :
  • « To work » + prepositions
  • Vocabulaire :
  • Phone phrases
  • Phone conversations
  • Organizational chart and positions
  • Company departments

British English versus American English

  • Grammaire :
  • Irregular verbs and regular verbs (GB) ≠ (US)
  • Present perfect and simple past (GB) ≠ (US)
  • Phrases with « to have » or « to take »
  • Phrases with « to have » or « to have got »
  • Different prepositions
  • « Like » or « as »
  • Writing dates
  • Giving advice with « had better »
  • Vocabulaire :
  • Words ending in a vowel + -L
  • Spelling differences
  • Completely different words
Thanksgiving: an American tradition

  • Grammaire :
  • The passive voice (past, present, future)
  • Compound adjectives
  • The word « meat »: both countable and uncountable
  • Vocabulaire :
  • General knowledge: the USA
  • Thanksgiving
  • Holiday (GB) / Vacation (US)
  • Animals and meat
  • A song about New York

Test lessons 16 to 19

  • Review and Test of Lessons 16 to 19

You didn’t tell her, did you?

  • Grammaire :
  • Question tags
  • Informal contractions
  • Vocabulaire :
  • Around « secrets and suspicions »
  • Around « mistake »
  • Around « back »
  • Around « unemployment »
  • «Onearth»,«thehell»

She told me she was coming tonight

  • Grammaire :
  • Reported speech
  • Present perfect vs. simple past
  • Despite, in spite of, although, even though
  • Both or neither
  • Vocabulaire :
  • TV news
  • Talking about injuries
  • Around « to let »
  • Verbs beginning with « over »
  • Around « sport »

UFO report

  • Grammaire :
  • Adjectives ending in -ish
  • « Like » or « as »?
  • Qualifying the size
  • Expressing certainty
  • Reported questions, requests and orders
  • Vocabulaire :
  • Outside news
  • Around « hear »
  • Around « fire brigade »

Weather and climate in the UK

  • Grammaire :
  • Talking about weather forecast
  • Double comparative (the more…/the more…,the less…/the less…)
  • Weather idioms
  • Vocabulaire :
  • Weather and climate in the UK
  • Around rain, clouds, cold, winds, temperature
  • The compass rose
  • Geography of the UK

Test lessons 21 to 24

  • Review and Test of Lessons 21 to 24

Describing things

  • Grammaire :
  • Useful questions, order of adjectives
  • Adverbs: « too » and « enough »
  • Vague expressions
  • Question tags: particular case
  • Contractions of verbs
  • Made of, from, out of, with
  • Utility and functions: passive voice structures
  • Passive voice with « to be made to do (something) »
  • Paraphrasing
  • Vocabulaire :
  • Describing things
  • Materials

Describing people

  • Grammaire :
  • Character and behaviour: opposite adjectives
  • Compound adjectives
  • Useful verbs: things you can do with your mouth
  • Vocabulaire :
  • Talking about character and behaviour
  • Talking about age
  • Around the face
  • Talking about physical appearance
  • Talking about height
  • Talking about weight
  • Describing hair
  • Talking about complexion and skin

What would you have done?

  • Grammaire :
  • Past conditional
  • Type III conditional: formation, use
  • Type III conditional with modal verbs
  • Type III conditional with « even if »
  • To be able, can / could
  • Expressing regrets in the past
  • Conditional types: review
  • Vocabulaire :
  • At the meeting
  • Around « to miss »
  • Around « to bother »

Writing emails and letters

  • Grammaire :
  • Around « to write »
  • Vocabulaire :
  • Around emails
  • Layout of emails
  • Writing and sending an email
  • Around regular mail
  • Layout of a formal letter
  • Opening salutations, complimentary closes
  • The message of the lette

Test lessons 26 to 29

  • Review and Test of Lessons 26 to 29
exonérée de TVA — Art. 261.4.4 a du CGI

*Prix comprenant l’ensemble du module E-learning (sans accompagnement visio-formateur)