CLK Learning, 14, Avenue de l’Opera – 75001 Paris

Reflex’English Grammar/Vocabulary

Objectifs Pédagogiques

Reflex’English Grammar et Reflex’English Vocabulary sont des séries de ressources pédagogiques numériques dédiées à la révision, à la consolidation et à l’apprentissage intensif de la grammaire et du vocabulaire en anglais.
Composée de 2 niveaux chacune, la solution s’adresse aux apprenants de niveau débutant/faux débutant (A1/A2) et de niveau pré-intermédiaire/intermédiaire (B1/B2) et est conforme aux exigences du CECR (Cadre Européen Commun de Référence).
Chaque niveau comporte 20 leçons avec une multitude d’exercices interactifs, permettant de réviser plus de 40 règles de grammaire et des centaines de termes lexicaux.
Le concept s’appuie sur une approche innovante, issue de la recherche sur la mémoire à court et à long termes qui optimise le processus de mémorisation et assure ainsi une progression rapide.
Reflex’English Grammar et Reflex’English Vocabulary sont des outils indispensables pour l’apprentissage de la langue anglaise ainsi que pour la préparation des examens d’anglais, y compris ceux de la série Cambridge (PET, KET…)

Détail Formation

Public concerné Méthode pédagogique Pré-requis techniques Temps moyen de formation
  • Cette formation s’adresse aux personnes souhaitant apprendre l’Anglais et se préparer aux différents examens d’Anglais
  • Comporte des leçons de tous les niveaux
  • Grammar : 20 leçons par niveau
  • Vocabulary : 20 leçons par niveau
  • Navigateur web : Edge, Chrome, Firefox, Safari
  • Système d’exploitation : Mac ou PC, smartphone
  • Grammar : 15 heures par niveau
  • Vocabulary : 15 heures par niveau

Reflex’English Grammar A1/A2

  • Lesson 1 – Spelling
  • Lesson 2 – The verb to be
  • Lesson 3 – Have / Have got
  • Lesson 4 – Personal pronouns
  • Lesson 5 – The auxiliary do / does
  • Lesson 6 – Plurals
  • Lesson 7 – There is / there are
  • Lesson 8 – Simple present tense
  • Lesson 9 – Present continuous tense
  • Lesson 10 – Simple past tense
  • Lesson 11 – Going to
  • Lesson 12 – Simple future with will
  • Lesson 13 – Present perfect tense
  • Lesson 14 – Wh- questions
  • Lesson 15 – Possessive adjectives and pronouns
  • Lesson 16 – Reflexive and emphatic pronouns
  • Lesson 17 – Prepositions (time, place, means)
  • Lesson 18 – Supposed to, would rather, had better
  • Lesson 19 – Use your senses
  • Lesson 20 – Adjectives, comparatives and superlatives

Reflex’English Grammar B1/B2

  • Lesson 1 – The future using present simple and continuous
  • Lesson 2 – The future using going to, will and present perfect
  • Lesson 3 – Past continuous vs. simple past
  • Lesson 4 – Past perfect – Formation and use
  • Lesson 5 – Present perfect continuous – Formation and use
  • Lesson 6 – Future continuous
  • Lesson 7 – Expressions with ‘used to’ and ‘would’
  • Lesson 8 – 1st, 2nd and 3rd conditionals
  • Lesson 9 – Reported speech
  • Lesson 10 – Wishes in the present
  • Lesson 11 – Wishes in the past
  • Lesson 12 – The passive voice
  • Lesson 13 – Have done – Make do
  • Lesson 14 – Modals
  • Lesson 15 – Defining relative clauses
  • Lesson 16 – Non-defining relative clauses
  • Lesson 17 – Object and subject questions
  • Lesson 18 – Question tags
  • Lesson 19 – Adjectives ending in ED or ING
  • Lesson 20 – Multiple adjectives: word order

Reflex’English Grammar C1/C2

  • Lesson 1 – Word order
  • Lesson 2 – Active and state verbs
  • Lesson 3 – Talking about events in the future
  • Lesson 4 – Other ways of expressing the future
  • Lesson 5 – Affixes: prefixes and suffixes
  • Lesson 6 – Conditional conjunctions
  • Lesson 7 – Transitive and intransitive verbs
  • Lesson 8 – Inversion with negative adverbials
  • Lesson 9 – Expressions with ‘used to’
  • Lesson 10 – Past perfect simple and continuous
  • Lesson 11 – The future in the past
  • Lesson 12 – Adjectives, nouns and verbs followed by prepositions
  • Lesson 13 – Participle clauses
  • Lesson 14 – Emphatic cleft sentences
  • Lesson 15 – Advanced passive structures
  • Lesson 16 – Modal verbs in the past
  • Lesson 17 – Verbs followed by infinitives or gerunds
  • Lesson 18 – Gradable and non-gradable adjectives
  • Lesson 19 – Formal subjunctive
  • Lesson 20 – Phrasal verbs

Reflex’English Vocabulary A1/A2

  • Lesson 1 – The family
  • Lesson 2 – Numbers
  • Lesson 3 – Age
  • Lesson 4 – Colours and shapes
  • Lesson 5 – Countries, nationalities and languages
  • Lesson 6 – Jobs and activities
  • Lesson 7 – Transport
  • Lesson 8 – Days and months
  • Lesson 9 – Weather and seasons
  • Lesson 10 – Telling the time
  • Lesson 11 – The body
  • Lesson 12 – Clothes and accessories
  • Lesson 13 – Describing people
  • Lesson 14 – Describing things
  • Lesson 15 – House and furniture
  • Lesson 16 – Sports
  • Lesson 17 – Hobbies and leisure time
  • Lesson 18 – Food and drink
  • Lesson 19 – At school
  • Lesson 20 – Animals

Reflex’English Vocabulary B1/B2

  • Lesson 1 – Countries and symbols
  • Lesson 2 – Materials
  • Lesson 3 – Nature
  • Lesson 4 – Shops
  • Lesson 5 – In the city
  • Lesson 6 – Urban vs. rural life
  • Lesson 7 – Tourism
  • Lesson 8 – Computer science
  • Lesson 9 – Cooking
  • Lesson 10 – Expressing quantities
  • Lesson 11 – At the restaurant
  • Lesson 12 – At the hotel
  • Lesson 13 – On the phone
  • Lesson 14 – Feelings and emotions
  • Lesson 15 – Health and illness
  • Lesson 16 – Five senses
  • Lesson 17 – At the doctor’s
  • Lesson 18 – The Arts
  • Lesson 19 – The Earth
  • Lesson 20 – Astrology and the Solar System

Reflex’English Vocabulary C1/C2

  • Lesson 1 – Talking about money
  • Lesson 2 – People and customs
  • Lesson 3 – Business and the Economy
  • Lesson 4 – Industry, machines and technology
  • Lesson 5 – Idioms and expressions
  • Lesson 6 – Commercial correspondence
  • Lesson 7 – Job search
  • Lesson 8 – Writing CVs and cover letters
  • Lesson 9 – Dealing with a job interview
  • Lesson 10 – Agriculture
  • Lesson 11 – Synonyms and antonyms
  • Lesson 12 – False friends and anglicisms
  • Lesson 13 – Abbreviations, acronyms and eponyms
  • Lesson 14 – The Media
  • Lesson 15 – Ecology
  • Lesson 16 – Energy
  • Lesson 17 – Criminality
  • Lesson 18 – Justice and law
  • Lesson 19 – Travelling around Britain and Ireland
  • Lesson 20 – Travelling around the USA and Canada

Reflex’English Grammar + Vocabulary
exonérée de TVA — Art. 261.4.4 a du CGI

*Prix comprenant l’ensemble du module E-learning (sans accompagnement visio-formateur)